NCCN-Sponsored Workshop for Local Area Working Groups
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NCCN-Sponsored Workshop for Local Area Working Groups
May 8-9 (8am-5pm) • Elko, NV • Elko Convention Center
The Nevada Collaboration Conservation Network (NCCN) is excited to invite you and other members of your local area working group, Conservation District, or conservation based organization to a 2-day workshop regarding the benefits of collaboration and community based conservation across the Great Basin Region.
Our primary focus for this workshop is to have representatives: (1) from existing local (community-based) work groups, (2) individuals who might assist with the development of new groups (i.e., Conservation District reps and others), and (3) active NCCN members.
May Workshop Objectives
In addition to learning from the various local community-based work groups that are currently operating in Nevada, we will also have an opportunity to learn about a similar effort that is underway in Utah from Dr. Terry Messimer, Director of the Utah Community-Based Conservation Program, Jay Tanner (rancher/permittee) and Calee Lott (SEA Coordinator, USU Extension) from the Sagebrush Ecosystem Alliance.
The Utah Community-Based Conservation Program which is a cooperative effort supported by Utah State University Extension, the Jack H. Berryman institute, private landowners and industry to provide administrative and research support to 11 adaptive resources management local work groups throughout Utah. The Sagebrush Ecosystem Alliance (SEA) is designed to create collaborative conservation by increasing communication between permit holders and agency personnel while implementing conservation and habitat improvement projects.
To RSVP for the May Workshop
The NCCN is a state-wide network that promotes collaborative conservation efforts, with emphasis on sagebrush ecosystem conservation and management. The NCCN is focused on standing-up, supporting and incentivizing community-based conservation efforts.